Seyfert’s Sextet by Blaine Dickey

The Cache Valley Astronomical Society

The Cache Valley Astronomical Society is a local amateur astronomy club with more than 30 members with a common interest in astronomy as a hobby and desire to educate the public about astronomy.

Membership is open to individuals and their families regardless of their knowledge of astronomy.   You need not have to own a telescope just a desire to want to learn about the wonders of the night sky and to share your excitement with other  members.


Effective Jan 2020 CVAS now has established a one time  dues of $20. You may pay this one time due to the Cache Valley Astronomical Society.


  1. Education. Learning from other members. Attending Monthly Meeting and Lectures.
  2. Outreach activities. Take part in public and private star parties as well as assist in STEM activities in our local schools.
  3. Use of the clubs telescope
  4. Monthly newsletter, Cache Valley Clear Skies.
Join Online Membership Form (PDF)

Blaine Dickey and his Meade 12